I love writing notes to friends. Especially thank you notes.
These are the notes I'm sending as postcards for my most recent birthday...
And here's a photo from today:
My couch. Actually my grandparents' couch from WAY back in the day. The couch actually pre-dates me. This couch (Loveseat honestly. The couch that matched was taken to goodwill on a tearful day due to a move. The move went sour and I lost the big couch. It was terribly sad.) was in both of my college apartments and has come with me ever since. The cushions, however beautiful the pattern may seem in this photo, have nearly sunk to the floor, but I still sit in it nightly, curling to fit on it's smallness and struggling to find that comfortable oldness that it brings. I love the couch, but I think it's nearing it's final hours. Regardless of how worn it might be, it's timeless. (According to me, and perhaps no one else.)
You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.
Last night we had our last meeting for the semester and I was given this huge basket of delicious cookies! As if spending time together wasn't nice enough...they had me a giant bundle of sugary thank yous.