Thursday, August 23, 2007

Meme me.

Just because I need a break from work (and because I've seen all my blog friends describe theirs) are 8 things about me that you might not know:

1- I think of recipes as flexible guides, not food rules. I've tried cooking with them and I can't do it. I get excited with the garlic salt, want to add some cheese or want to skip the olives all together...I like to think of myself as the MacGyver of cuisine.
2- I don't know left from right, well at least I don't know it well. It's embarassing, but it's true. When I first started driving, my mom and I were out practicing and I turned "right" into the "left" lane. I ended up facing oncoming traffic on the shoulder of the road with my mom laughing in fear and me crying. I got out of the car and refused to drive home. I also give directions using "turn my way" or "go that way" and have mastered the subtle art of making an L with your hands to find your left.
3- I won't look in the mirror in the dark. Ever.
4- I miss sharing a room. Late night talks, someone to blame the mess on, etc. Nothing's better than that.
5- I often wish I were a contestent on American Idol.
6- I love airports. Most people can't wait to leave them, but I like the way everything seems so permanent and temporary all at the same time. The constant flow of people, the weird things you can buy, the starbucks at every gate and the noise excite me. I also wonder frequently what it would be like to work there...
7- I have never been skinny dipping.
8- While cooking MacGyver-style, I dance around the kitchen. Without music.

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