Monday, November 12, 2007

Random thoughts...

A crow. I saw one actually look both ways before flying across University this morning. It then glided across the road within the lines of the crosswalk and dangerously close to the pavement. Its feathers glistening in the morning light. I really don't like birds, a fear that stems from watching "The Birds" with my father in the kitchen of the house when I was way too young, but this crow was sort of pretty in an awful bird way.
Home. Isn't it strange how "home" is such a relative term? I call the office home, I call my parents' house home, I call my grandmother's loveseat home...
Light. I find myself analyzing the light lately. The way the sun is spraying rays through the now bare trees, the small crack of light the streams into my bedroom from the orange street light posted in the neighboring school's parking lot, the buzzing florescent bulb that pours un-flattering light onto my desk, the sun setting in my side mirror as I'm driving through West Liberty Iowa...
Generosity. How can you not want to give something away? How can anyone not feeling the need, the urge, the passionate yearning to be philanthropic? She has taught me so much. "Have fun angel. You might think you should be thanking them. They did give you something. But they'll thank you. You gave them an opportunity to change lives. They'll thank you. Just remember to have fun."

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